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  • Writer's picturePeggi White

Spring Cleaning....It's not only for your home

Warmer weather, sunshine and flowers. We are all ready to get outside, open up the house and renew our spirit. After the last 12 months we could all use some renewed energy and freshness.

Your home may not be the only thing that needs a good cleaning and organizing.

Your office, your relationships, your mind and even your body.

Start with a SIMPLE list of things that you want to get done

* Declutter your office

* Eat better, move more

* Wash all the bed linens and window dressings

* Clean up your email or friends list

* Phone a friend or have a lunch date

* Rearrange your closets from winter to summer

* Clean the oven

* Cook healthier meals

* Clean the windows

* Host a dinner party

All of these are on my to-do and some of it seems overwhelming. Now take this list and prioritize it and take one item at a time and make it manageable. Decluttering is a great way to start and can make you feel a little less overwhelmed. Start with one pile at a time and shred all unneeded items and create folders to make things a little more organized. Once you have some space to work and feel the progress then moving on to the next item will not seem so bad!

Spring cleaning your home may be the easy part. Cleaning up your friends list may be a little more difficult. Choose the friends that inspire and support you. Removing negative people from your social media feeds can make your scrolling a little more pleasant and the encouragement from positivity can go a long way to improve your day.

Next is your relationships. Maybe a little one on one talk with a family member or spouse is in order to clear the air and discuss some chores and responsibilities. A little help goes a long way and can make things feel more doable!

Now about that diet!! Spring cleaning the pantry and adding more fresh fruits and vegetables will definitely make you feel better and look better. Get outside and get moving. Sunshine and fresh air will improve your mood and soul.

So, make those lists, prepare yourself, roll up your sleeves and do some cleaning for your body, mind and soul!

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