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  • Writer's picturePeggi White

Clearing the clutter in the New Year

The New Year can bring on the desire to make some changes, set goals and declutter our homes. The goals we make at the start of the year can get overwhelming really quickly and sometimes we even give up too soon and again fall back into bad habits.

Starting with baby steps and taking one little piece at a time can make the journey a little easier. Declutter your home one room at a time, one closet at a time or one cabinet at a time. Declutter your mind with prayer or meditation, slowing down and enjoying some quiet time or enjoying a new hobby or book. Declutter your heart by not allowing people to say or do anything that doesn't make you happy, less time on social media and even less news!

Spend more time with those that make you smile and support you. Let go of things that clutter your space. Make your office and bedroom calming and welcoming. Being surrounded by clutter can make you feel out of control and overwhelmed.

Journaling is a great way to declutter your mind. 15 minutes before bed turn off all distractions and just start writing. This allows you to resolve the issues that have been nagging at you all day...... get angry, say whatever is on your mind and then let it go. THEN, write down all the positive things that happened that day no matter how small find 3 things that made you smile or feel good! This practice will help you sleep better and feel better.

The heart may be the hardest to declutter. We close ourselves off when we get hurt and build walls that "protect" us. When we decide to forgive ourselves, it can be easier to forgive those that hurt us and not allow them to have power over our feelings anymore. In your journal, write your feelings and tell this person that you forgive them. It's a powerful decision to let go of the hurt and let those walls open up. This doesn't mean that you will never be hurt again but that you will be more aware of who you allow to be in your space and your heart.

If your New Years Resolution sounds like this and you need some help...... Let's talk!!!

Mindfulness, meditation/prayer, self-care and positive affirmations are all part of the process in my coaching programs.

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