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  • Writer's picturePeggi White

If you don't like it...... Do something about it!!!!

Getting ready for work this morning, I realized how dirty the bathroom mirror was. My first thought was "Why is this mirror so dirty"? And my first instinct was to blame my husband.....Well then, very clearly, I heard, "If you don't like it, do something about it"!!! How true is this in so many parts of our lives. We are so ready to blame others because things are not the way WE want them to be.

What can you do to change things that make you unhappy? Who can you blame if you are not happy? Your job is not fulfilling, is it your boss or your co-workers fault? You are not happy in your relationship, is it your partners fault or are you scared to be alone or feel stuck for all the wrong reasons? I could go on and on with scenarios but I think you get the picture.

Who is responsible for your happiness?

You may not be able to change everything, quit your job, or leave your relationship but you CAN control how your respond and how you think and feel. One day at a time and lots of practice!!! Stop, breath, and think before your respond. Mindfulness and self-care go hand in hand and its not always easy.

Want to learn more about mindfulness and self-care? Check out some of my coaching programs. I offer one on one and online programs. Start today ~ small pebbles can make big ripples.

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