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  • Writer's picturePeggi White

Let's get started.....

Add a Touch of Class to your lifestyle.


Starting Monday, no more sugar! Starting Monday, I'm going to the gym everyday! Starting Monday..... blah blah blah. We've all done this. Planned to start a "diet" or exercise program on Monday only to fail/quit by Friday. Most "diets" are not sustainable and only leaving us feeling bad about ourselves, less motivated and just plain hopeless. I know, I have been there. I'm still there. Every day, every week and every month I plan to do it right today. Let me tell you the older you get, the harder it is to stay active, healthy and feeling good.

Our bodies, hormones and dietary needs change as we get older and it happens really fast!! One day you are 25 and you role over and you are 45+ and can't get out of bed without being in pain. We invest so much of our "youth" getting the perfect job, the right spouse, raising children and (somedays) just managing to get by. Breakfast on the run, lunch at your desk and dinner at a drive through window. Who had time to cook on top of everything else?

So, fast forward (a.k.a blink) and you are 45ish and the kids are grown and you are starting to feel the years of neglect or abuse on your body, mind and spirit. You don't know what to do with yourself now that no-one "needs" you. For me, the empty nest was my wake up call and it took me about a year to wake up and see that this is my time and I can now take care of myself........ Well, by this time I was 50 pounds over weight, severe digest problems and just plain unhealth!!!

For the next 5 years I dove into learning more and more about self-care and functional medicine. As a massage therapist, I had a good knowledge of the body and how to take care of it and I was really good at telling other people what I recommended. I finally decided to walk my talk and became a health coach, lost the 50 pounds and repaired my digestive system. I continue to learn and work on me, myself and I while I continue to further my education. I am currently enrolled in the Functional Aging Institute and ISSA (The International Sports Sciences Association) to improve my life and help others on their journey.

Flexibility, balance, strength and self care are the keys to having a healthy body, in to, during and throughout retirement. I will work with your doctor or any health care professional to create a wellness plan to meet your physical, mental and personal goals.

Massage affects your lymphatic, nervous, immune, circulatory and muscular system to keep your body feel its best. Add a wellness class to improve your balance, flexibility and functional fitness for a well rounded plan. As a wellness coach, I can guide you in making better choices, I can keep you accountable and I can support you along the way.

I've been there and I'm here for you now. Let's talk.

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